Steam Industry Glossary
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- Absolute Humidity
- Absolute Pressure
- Absolute Temperature
- Absolute Zero
- Accumulation
- Accumulator (Steam)
- Accumulator tank
- Acid Cleaning
- Acidity
- Actuation and Deactivation Point
- Adiabatic
- Adiabatic Flame Temperature
- Adjacent Machinery/Equipment
- Affected Employee
- Aftercooler
- Air
- Air Atomizing Oil Burner
- Air Change
- Air Cleaner
- Air Conditioning
- Air Deficiency
- Air gap
- Air Infiltration
- Air Valve
- Air Vent
- Air-Free
- Air-Fuel Ratio
- Air, Saturated
- Ajax Boiler
- Alarm
- Alarm Light
- Alkalinity
- Allowable Working Pressure
- Alternating Current (AC)
- Alternator
- Alumina
- Ambient Air
- Ambient Temperature
- Amp (Ampere)
- Amperage
- Analysis
- Analysis, Ultimate
- Angle Thermometer
- API (A.P.I.)
- Aquastat
- Armored Cable
- Arrester
- As-Fired Fuel
- As-Received Fuel
- Ash
- Ash Pit
- Ash-Free Basis
- ASME - International Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
- ASME 36.10 Standard
- ASME 36.19M Standard
- Aspirating Burner
- Associated Machinery/Equipment
- Atmospheric Air
- Atmospheric Deaerator
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker
- Atomizer
- Atomizing Steam
- Audible Alarm
- Authorized Employee
- Automatic Flow Control Valve
- Auxiliary Contacts
- Auxiliary Engine
- Availability Factor
- Available Draft
- Axial Fan
- Axial flow impeller
- Back pressure
- Backflow
- Baffle
- Baffle Tile
- Baffle-Type Collector
- Bag Filter
- Bag-Type Collector
- Ball Valve
- Barometric Pressure
- Base Load
- Basket Strainer
- Battery
- Beaded Tube End
- Bernoulli's Principle
- Bilges
- Bleed Line
- Blind Nipple
- Blow Down
- Blow-Off Valve
- Blow-Off Valve
- Blowdown
- Blowdown Safety Valve
- Blowdown Tank
- Blowdown Valve
- Blowdown Water
- Blower
- Boiler
- Boiler Capacity
- Boiler Compositions
- Boiler Cradles
- Boiler Design Pressure
- Boiler Efficiency
- Boiler Feed Unit
- Boiler Feed Water Pump
- Boiler Foaming
- Boiler Fouling
- Boiler From and at 212 ºF Steam Rate
- Boiler Gross Steam Rate
- Boiler Heating Surface
- Boiler Horsepower
- Boiler Mud Drum
- Boiler Net Steaming Rate
- Boiler Operating Pressure
- Boiler Priming
- Boiler Rating
- Boiler Shell
- Boiler Steam Rate
- Boiler Water
- Boiler Working Pressure
- Boiling
- Boiling Out
- Boiling Point
- Booster Fan
- Boyle's Law
- Brake Horse Power
- Branch Circuit Protection
- Branch Circuits
- Breakdown Voltage Rating
- Breaker
- Breeches-flued
- Breeching
- Bridgewall
- British Thermal Unit (BTU)
- Bryan Boiler
- BTUh
- Buck Plates
- Bucket Trap
- Bucket Trap (inverted)
- Bucket Trap (open)
- Buckstay
- Built-up back pressure
- Buna N
- Bunker C Oil
- Burner
- Burner Windbox
- Burner Windbox Pressure
- Buss Bar (also Bus Bar)
- Butterfly Valve
- Bx Cable
- By-Pass
- Bypass Chemical Feeder
- Bypass Orifice
- C
- Cable Clamps
- CaCO3
- Calcium Carbonate
- Calcium Sulphate
- Calibration
- Calibration Procedure
- Calorie (Large)
- Calorie (Small)
- Calorimeter
- Canadian Standards Association
- Cap
- Capable of Being Locked Out
- Capacitor
- Capacity Factor
- Carbon
- Carbon Steel
- Carryover
- Case wearing ring
- Casing
- Cast iron
- Caustic Embrittlement
- Cavitation
- Center Flue Boiler
- Center of Gravity
- Centigrade
- Central Fan System
- Central Station
- Centrifugal
- Centrifugal Fan
- Centrifugal Pump
- Chatter
- Check Valve
- Chemical Analysis
- Chemical Feed Pipe
- Chemical Water Treatment
- Chimney
- Chimney Effects
- Chlorides
- Circuit
- Circuit Breaker
- Circulating Pipe (Hot Water System)
- Circulation
- Circulation Ratio
- Circulator
- Class 1 Circuit
- Class 1 Wiring
- Class 2 Circuit
- Class 2 Wiring
- Class I Boilers
- Class I NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class I, Group A NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class I, Group B NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class I, Group C NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class I, Group D NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class II NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class II, Group E NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class II, Group F NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class II, Group G NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class III NEC Hazardous Rating
- Class IV Boilers
- Cleanout Door
- Cleaver-Brooks
- CO
- CO2
- Coefficient of Discharge
- Coefficient of Heat Transmission
- Collector
- Colloid
- Column Radiator
- Combination Motor Controller
- Combustible Loss
- Combustibles
- Combustion
- Combustion Air
- Combustion Chamber
- Combustion Efficiency
- Comfort Line
- Comfort Zone (Average)
- Complete Combustion
- Compound gauge
- Concealed Radiator
- Concentration
- Condensate
- Condensate Pump
- Condensate return rate
- Condensate Return Unit
- Condensation Heater
- Condenser
- Conductance (Thermal)-C
- Conduction (Thermal)
- Conductivity (Thermal)-k
- Conductor (Thermal)
- Conduit
- Contactor
- Contacts
- Continuous Blowdown
- Control
- Control Circuit
- Control Circuit Disconnect Switch
- Control Panel
- Control Relay
- Control Transformer
- Control Valve
- Convection
- Convection of Heat
- Convector
- Converter
- Cooling Leg
- Cornish Boiler
- Corrosion
- Coulomb
- Coupling
- Cover
- Critical Speed
- Critical Temperature
- Crown Sheet
- Crude Oil
- Csd-1
- Current
- Current Electricity
- Cycle
- Cycle Timer
- Cylindrical Boiler
- Dalton's Law
- Damper
- Davit
- Deaeration
- Deaerator
- Degasification
- Degree-Day
- Deionization
- Deionized Water
- Delayed Combustion
- Delta Connection
- Design Letter
- Design Load
- Design Pressure
- Design Steam Temperature
- Desuperheater
- Dew Point
- Dew-Point Temperature
- DI Water
- Dial Thermometer
- Direct Current (DC)
- Direct Radiator
- Direct-Indirect Heating Unit
- Direct-Return System (Hot Water)
- Disc
- Discharge Chemical Feed Unit
- Discharge companion flange
- Discharge pressure gauge
- Disconnect
- Disconnect Switch
- Disengaging Surface
- Dissipate (Stored Energy)
- Dissociation
- Dissolved Solid
- Dissolved Solids
- Distillate Fuels
- Distillation
- Distilled Water
- Domestic Hot Water
- Door
- Double-Tube Boiler
- Down-Feed One-Pipe Riser (Steam)
- Down-Feed System (Steam)
- Downcomer
- Downtime
- Draft
- Draft Differential
- Draft Gauge
- Drain
- Drain Valve
- Drip connection
- Drip Cover
- Drum
- Dry Air
- Dry Gas
- Dry Return (Steam)
- Dry Saturated Steam
- Dry Steam
- Dry-Back Boiler
- Dry-Bulb Temperature
- Dry-Gas Loss
- Duct
- Ductibility
- Ductile Cast Iron
- Dump Condenser
- Duplex Receptacle
- Economizer
- Efficiency
- Effluent water
- Egg-End Boiler
- Ejector
- Elapsed Time Meter
- Electric Boiler
- Electrical alternator
- Electricity
- Electromagnet
- Electron
- Electrostatic Precipitator
- Emergency Low Water Level Trip
- Emergency Power (Alternate Power Source)
- Enclosed Industiral Control Panel
- Enclosure
- End Bell
- Endothermic
- Energized
- Energy Isolating Device
- Energy Source
- Enthalpy
- Entrainment
- Equalizer
- Equivalent Direct Radiation
- Equivalent Direct Radiation (EDR)
- Equivalent Evaporation
- Ethylene Propylene
- Evaporation
- Evaporation Rate
- Excess Air
- Exhaust Gas Damper
- Exothermal
- Expansion coupling
- Expansion Joint
- Explosion Door
- Explosion Proof Motor
- Extended Heating Surface
- Extended Surface Heating Unit
- External Treatment
- Externally-Fired Boiler
- F&T Trap (steam)
- Fahrenheit
- Fail-Safe
- Fan
- Fan Performance
- Fan Performance Curves
- Fatigue
- Feed Circuit
- Feed Pump
- Feed Water
- Feed Water Injector
- Feed Water Treatment
- Fgr
- Field Adjustable
- Field Installed Equipment
- Field Wiring
- Field Wiring Terminal
- Filter
- Fin
- Fin Tube
- Fire Bars
- Fire Box Boiler
- Fire-Tube Boiler
- Firebox
- Fired Pressure Vessel
- Firetube
- Firing Rate Control
- Fixed Carbon
- Fixture
- Flame
- Flame Detector
- Flame Propagation Rate
- Flame Safeguard
- Flammability
- Flareback
- Flash (Steam)
- Flash Boiler
- Flash Point
- Flashing
- Float & Thermostatic Trap
- Float Switch
- Float Trap
- Flow Control Valve
- Flow Meter
- Flow Switch
- Flue
- Flue Gas
- Fluorescence
- Fly Ash
- FM
- Foaming
- Forced Circulation
- Forced-Draft Fan
- Fouling
- Free Ash
- Free Ash
- Frequency
- Fuel
- Fuel Oil
- Fuel-Air Mixture
- Fuel-Air Ratio
- Fuel-To-Steam Efficiency
- Full Load Amps (Full Load Current)
- Full Load Current
- Fulton Boiler
- Funnel
- Furnace
- Furnace Pressure
- Furnace Volume
- Fuse, Branch Circuit Type
- Fuse, SemiConductor Type
- Fuse, Supplementary Type
- Fused Disconnect
- Fuses
- Fusible Plug
- Fusible Switch
- Gag
- Gage Pressure
- Gallon
- Galloway Boiler
- Galvanized Tank
- Gas Analysis
- Gas Burner
- Gas Pressure Regulator
- Gasket
- Gate Valve
- Gauge Cock
- Gauge Glass
- Gauge Pressure
- General Purpose Relay
- General-Use Rating
- Generator
- Generator Receptacle
- GFCI or GFI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter)
- Globe Valve
- Glycol
- Grade
- Grains (Water)
- Grains Per Cu-Ft
- Gravity
- Greenfield Conduit
- Grille
- Ground
- Ground Fault
- Ground Fault Interruption (GFI)
- Grounded Neutral
- Grounding Conductor
- Group Lock-Out/Tag-Out Device
- Guide
- Hand-Off-Automatic (HOA)
- Handhole
- Handhole Cover
- Hard Water
- Hardness
- Hartford loop
- Haystack Boiler
- Hazardous Locations
- Head
- Header
- Heat
- Heat Available
- Heat Balance
- Heat Exchanger
- Heat Loss
- Heat of the Liquid
- Heat Release Rate
- Heat Unit
- Heater Table
- Heating Medium
- Heating Surface
- Heating Unit
- Heating Value
- Heel
- Henry's Law
- Hertz (Hz)
- High Gas Pressure Control
- High Oil Temperature Control
- High-level switch
- Hinged Cover
- Horsepower
- Hot Tap
- Hot Water Heating System
- Hot, Neutral, Ground
- Hotwell
- Humidistat
- Humidity
- Hunting
- Hurling chamber
- Hurling water
- Hurling water switch
- Hurst Boiler
- Hydrocarbon
- Hydrokineter
- Hydrostatic Test
- Ignition
- Ignition Temperature
- Illuminants
- Impedance
- Impeller
- Incandescence
- Incomplete Combustion
- Induced Draft Fan
- Induced Draught
- Industrial Control Panel (For General Use)
- Inert Gaseous Constituents
- Inert Gases
- Inhibitor
- Injector
- Inlet
- Inlet Basket Strainer
- Inlet cascade baffle
- Instantaneous Trip Circuit Breaker
- Insulation (Thermal)
- Insulator
- Integral Blower
- Integral-Blower Burner
- Interlock
- Intermittent Blowdown
- Internal Treatment
- Internally Fired Boiler
- Inverse-Time Circuit Breaker
- Ion
- Iron
- Isentropic
- Isolated Secondary Circuit
- Jet Condenser
- Journal
- Junction (Electrical) Box
- Junk Ring
- Kilopascal (kPa)
- Kilowatt (kW)
- Knockout
- Lagging
- Lancashire Boiler
- Latent Heat
- Latent Heat of Evaporation
- Latent Heat of Fusion
- Lead
- Lead-off-Lag switch
- Leakage
- Liberation
- Lift
- Lifting Eyes
- Light-Emitting Diode (LED)
- Lights
- Limit Control
- Lining
- Liquid Dye Penetrate Test
- Liquid Penetrate Test
- Liquid-Tight Conduit
- Load
- Load Factor
- Lock Nut
- Locked Rotor Current
- Lockout
- Lockout Device
- Locomotive Boiler
- Loop riser
- Low Gas Pressure Control
- Low Nox Burner
- Low Oil Temperature Control
- Low Pressure Steam
- Low Water Cut-off
- Low Water Level Trip
- Low-level switch
- Low-Voltage Limited Energy Circuit
- Lug
- Magnesium Anode
- Magnesium Carbonate
- Magnesium Sulphate
- Magnetic Particle Test
- Main vent valve
- Make-Up
- Makeup Water
- Manhole
- Manifold
- Manning Boiler
- Manual Gas Shutoff Valve
- Manual Transfer Switch
- Manufactured Gas
- Marine Duty Motor
- Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
- Maximum Continuous Load
- Maximum Instantaneous Demand
- Maximum Overcurrent Protection
- Mechanical Alternator
- Mechanical Atomizing Oil Burner
- Mechanical Draft
- Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
- Mechanical Makeup Valve
- Mechanical return
- Mechanical seal
- Megger or Megohmeter
- Megohm
- Microamp
- Micron
- Microvolt
- Mil-Inch
- Milliamp
- Millimeter
- Millivolt
- Miniature Boiler
- Minimum Circuit Amperes (MCA)
- Mmbtu
- MMBtu
- Modulating Burner
- Modulating controller
- Modulating Valve
- Moisture
- Moisture In Steam
- Moisture Loss
- Monotube Boiler
- Motor (Dripproof)
- Motor (Explosion Proof)
- Motor (General Purpose)
- Motor (Totally Enclosed)
- Motor Arrow Labels
- Motor Bearing RTD
- Motor Bearing Termocouples
- Motor Bearing Thermostat
- Motor Bearings
- Motor Circuit Protector
- Motor Conduit Box
- Motor Cord and Plug Assembly
- Motor Drip Cover
- Motor Efficiency
- Motor enclosure
- Motor Fan Cover & Lint Screen
- Motor Horsepower Rating
- Motor Mounting
- Motor Overload Protection
- Motor Phase
- Motor Roller Bearings
- Motor Service Factor
- Motor speed
- Motor Starter
- Motor thermal overload
- Motor Voltage
- Motor Winding RTD
- Motor Winding Thermocouples
- Motor Winding Thermostat
- Motor, Electric
- Mud Drum
- Multi-Stage Burner
- Multi-Stage Pump
- Multifuel Burner
- Multiport Burner
- Multitubular Boiler
- N.B.
- Nameplate
- Natural Circulation
- Natural Gas
- Nebraska Boiler
- Nec
- Nec Code Letter
- Nema
- NEMA 1
- NEMA 12
- NEMA 12K
- NEMA 13
- NEMA 2
- NEMA 250
- NEMA 3
- NEMA 4
- NEMA 6
- NEMA 7
- NEMA 9
- Net Positive Suction Head
- Neutral
- Neutral Solution
- Nickel
- NM
- Nmc
- Non-sectional boiler
- Normal Production Operations
- Normally Closed (N/C) Switching Element
- Normally Open (N/O) Switching Element
- Normally Open Control Valve
- Nox
- NOx
- Nozzle
- O-Ring
- Ohm
- Ohm's Law
- Ohmmeter
- Oil Burner
- Oil Heating And Pumping Set
- One-Pipe Supply Riser (Steam)
- One-Pipe System (Hot Water)
- One-Pipe System (Steam)
- Open air vent
- Open Drip Proof Motor
- Open Industrial Control Panel
- Operating Control
- Operating Pressure
- Organic Matter
- Orifice
- Orifice Bypass
- Orifice Gauge
- Orsat
- OSHA (federal law)
- Osmosis
- Osmotic Pressure
- Other Employee
- Overflow
- Overflow Drainer
- Overhead System
- Overload Protection
- Overload Relay
- Overpressure
- Oxidation
- Oxidizing Atmosphere
- Oxygen Attack
- Packaged Boiler
- Packaged Steam Generator
- Panel Heating
- Panel Radiator
- Parallel Circuit
- Particle Size
- Particle Size
- Pass
- Perfect Combustion
- Petroleum
- pH
- pH Valve
- Phase (Three Phase Circuit)
- Phase Monitor
- Pigtail
- Pilot
- Pilot Burner
- Pilot Light
- Pilot lights
- Pilot Valve
- Pitot Tube
- Pitting
- Plasite(TM) 7156
- Plasite(TM) Lined Tank
- Plenum Chamber
- Plug Cock Valve
- Polarity
- Polyethylene
- Port
- Post Purge
- Pot Type Boiler
- Power Factor
- Power Supply
- Power Transformer
- Pre-Open/Warn
- Precipitate
- Precipitation
- Preheat Tube
- Preheated Air
- Preset
- Pressure
- Pressure Drop
- Pressure Gauge
- Pressure Head
- Pressure Loss
- Pressure Powered Pump
- Pressure Reducing Valve
- Pressure Regulator
- Pressure Relief Device
- Pressure Relief Valve
- Pressure Switch
- Pressure Vacuum Breaker
- Pressure Vessel
- Pressure, Ambient
- Pressurized Deaerator
- Preventive Maintenance
- Primary Air
- Prime Surface
- Priming
- Process Steam
- Products Of Combustion
- Propeller
- PSI (psia, psig)
- Pulsation
- Pump Discharge Pressure
- Pump Flow Rate
- Purge
- Pushbutton
- Radiant Heating
- Radiation
- Radiation Loss
- Radiator
- Radiographic Test
- Radiography
- Radiography Test
- Rate of Blowdown
- Rated Capacity
- Rated Voltage
- Rating
- Raw Water
- Re-Evaporation
- Reaction
- Reassociation
- Receiver
- Recessed Radiator
- Recirculation
- Reduced Voltage Auto-Transformer Starter
- Reducing Atmosphere
- Reducing Valve
- Reduction
- Refractory
- Refrigeration, Ton of
- Register
- Relative Humidity
- Relay
- Relay, Electromagnetic
- Relay, Solid State
- Relief Valve
- Relief Valve (Safety Relief Valve)
- Remote Control
- Residual Fuels
- Resin
- Resistance (Electricity)
- Resistance (Gas Flow)
- Resistor
- Response Time or Time Constant
- Return Flow Oil Burner
- Return Mains
- Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water
- Reverse-Return System (Hot Water)
- Ringelmann Chart
- Risers
- RO Water
- Romex
- Roof Ventilator
- Rotary Cup Burner
- Rotary Oil Burner
- Rough-In
- Running Load Amperes (RLA)
- Saddle
- Saddle Type Boiler
- Safe Working Pressure
- Safety Shut-Off Valve
- Safety Switch
- Safety Valve
- Safety Valve Blowdown
- Sampling
- Sampling Valve
- Saturated Air
- Saturated Steam
- Saturated Steam Table
- Saturated Temperature
- Saturated Water
- Scale
- Schedule 40 Pipe
- Schedule 80 Pipe
- Scotch Marine Boiler
- Scrubbing
- Seal Flush Line
- Secondary Air
- Secondary Treatment
- Section Boiler
- Sediment
- Segregation
- Selector Switch
- Self-Supporting Steel Stack
- Sensible Heat
- Series Circuit
- Service Entrance (Se)
- Service Factor
- Service Panel
- Service Water
- Service/Supply Leads
- Servicing and/or Maintenance
- Set Pressure
- Set Screw
- Setting-Up
- Shaft sleeve
- Shell
- Shipkote(TM) Lining
- Short Circuit
- Shot Feeders
- Sight Glass
- Silica
- Single Phase
- Single-Tube Boiler
- Skimming
- Sludge
- Slug
- Smithies Boiler
- Smoke
- Smoke Tube Boiler
- Sodium Salts
- Soft Water
- Softening
- Solenoid valve
- Solution
- Soot
- Soot Blower
- Spalling
- Sparge tube
- Specific gravity
- Specific Heat
- Specific Humidity
- Specific Latent Heat
- Spindle/Stem
- Split Draft
- Split System
- Spray Angle
- Spray Nozzle
- Square Foot of Heating Surface
- Stack
- Stack Draft
- Stack Effect
- Stack Effluent
- Stagnation
- Stainless Steel
- Stamped Capacity
- Standard Air
- Standard Flue Gas
- Standby Power Supply
- Star Connection
- Starter
- Starting Amps (Locked Rotor)
- Starting Relay
- Static Electricity
- Static Head
- Static Pressure
- Staybolt
- Steam
- Steam Atomizing Oil Burner
- Steam Binding
- Steam Drum
- Steam Gauge
- Steam Generating Unit
- Steam Heating System
- Steam Pop Safety Valve
- Steam Purity
- Steam Quality
- Steam Separator
- Steam Trap
- Steel
- Stokehold
- Stokehole
- Stoker
- Stop Valve
- Storage Capacity
- Stored Energy
- Straightening vanes
- Strainer
- Stratification
- Stress Relieving
- Stud
- Submersible Motor
- Suction Head
- Suction valve
- Superconductors
- Superheated Steam
- Superheater
- Superimposed Back Pressure
- Supply Main
- Supply riser
- Supply valve
- Surface Blowoff
- Surge
- Surge Arrester
- Surge Tank
- Suspended Solids
- Swing Gate Check Valve
- Swinging Load
- Switch
- Tag-Out
- Tag-Out Device
- Tank
- Tank Regulator
- Tapping
- Telemetering
- Temperature Control
- Temperature Limit Switch
- Temperature Regulator
- Temperature Switch
- Tensile Test
- Terminal Block
- Tertiary Air
- Theoretical Air
- Theoretical Draft
- Theoretical Flame Temperature
- Therm
- Thermal Efficiency
- Thermal Overload Protector
- Thermal Shock
- Thermocouple
- Thermodisc Trap
- Thermometer
- Thermostat
- Thermostatic Steam Trap
- Thermostatic Trap
- Thermostatic Trap (steam)
- Thermowell
- Threaded Suction Adpater Flange
- Three Phase Circuit
- Tie-Rod
- Tile
- Time Clock
- Time Delay Relay (Tdr)
- Time Meter
- Ton of Refrigeration
- Total Air
- Total Head
- Total Heat
- Total Pressure
- Total Solids Concentration
- Totally Enclosed, Fan Controlled Motor
- Transducer
- Transfer
- Transfer Pump
- Transformation
- Transformer
- Trap
- Travelers
- Treated Water
- Trim
- Tube
- Tube Bundle
- Tube Hole
- Tungsten
- Tungsten carbide
- Turbine pump
- Turbulent Burner
- Turndown Ratio
- Two-Pipe System (Steam or Water)
- U-Leather
- UF (Underground Feeder) Cable
- UL
- UL Listed
- Ultrasonic Cleaning
- Ultrasonic Test
- Unaccounted-For Loss
- Unaflow (or Uniflow) Engine
- Unburned Combustible
- Underfeed Stoker
- Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (Ul)
- Unfired Pressure Vessel
- Unit Heater
- Unit Pressure
- Unit Weight
- Up-Feed System (Hot Water or Steam)
- Upright Boiler
- Uptake
- Use Factor
- Va
- Vacuum Augmenter
- Vacuum Breaker
- Vacuum Heating System (Steam)
- Vacuum Pump
- Vacuum switch
- Valve
- Valves
- Vapor
- Vapor Binding
- Vapor Density
- Vapor Heating System (Steam)
- Vapor Pressure
- Vaporization
- Velocity Pressure
- Vent
- Vent Valve (Steam)
- Vent Valve (Water)
- Ventilation
- Verify
- Vertical Firing
- Vertical Type Boiler
- Viscosity
- Viton(R) Seal
- Volatile Matter
- Volt
- Voltage
- Voltage (Nominal A)
- Voltmeter
- Volume Of Air
- Volute
- Vortex
- Wagon Boiler
- Warm Air Heating System
- Warn Ring or Regulator Ring
- Washdown Duty Motors
- Waste Heat
- Waste Oil
- Water
- Water Column
- Water Gauge
- Water Glass
- Water hammer
- Water Level
- Water Level Gauge
- Water safety slingers
- Water slinger
- Water Softener
- Water Tube
- Water Tube Boiler
- Water Vapor
- Waterwall
- Watt
- Weatherproof Motor
- Weep
- Weld
- Weld Bead
- Welding
- Wet Bulb Temperature
- Wet Return (Steam)
- Wet Saturated Steam
- Wet Steam
- Wetback Boiler
- Wetness
- Wheel Draft
- Windbox
- Windbox Pressure
- Wire Gauge
- Wire Mesh
- Working Pressure
- Wrought Iron
- Wye Connection
- Wye Strainer
- X-Ray Gauge Unit
- Xylene
- Yoke/Bonnet
About the Glossary
Shipco®'s glossary is intended to be a helpful supplement for the rest of the website. It is also meant to be a resource to anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of steam industry science, engineering, or mechanics. We hope it may enstill a wealth of understanding or simply aid to refresh one's memory. Either way, if you feel there is something missing from our glossary, please don't hesitate to let us know!
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